Facts and questions regarding Organ donors and donation

• More than 80,000 men, women and children currently await life-saving transplants.
• Every 13 minutes another name is added to the national transplant waiting list.
• An average of 18 people die each day from the lack of available organs for transplant.
• In 2002, there were 6,185 deceased organ donors and 6,607 living organ donors
resulting in 24,851 organ transplants.
• 46,625 cornea transplants were performed in 2002.
• Nearly 900,000 tissue transplants were performed in 2002.
For the latest donation and transplantation data, information and statistics visit www.unos.org United Network for Organ Sharing Website.
To obtain a downloadable Organ/Tissue Donor Card go to: www.organdonor.gov/signup1.html

Who can become a donor?
All individuals can indicate their intent to donate (persons under 18 years of age must have parent's or guardian's consent). Medical suitability for donation is determined at the time of death.

Are there age limits for donors?
There are no age limitations on who can donate. The deciding factor on whether a person can donate is the person’s physical condition, not the person’s age. Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ donors. Persons younger than 18 years of age must have a parent's or guardian's consent.

How do I express my wishes to become an organ and tissue donor?
• Indicate your intent to be an organ and tissue donor on your driver’s license.
• Carry an organ donor card. www.organdonor.gov/signup1.html
• Most important, discuss your decision with family members and loved ones.

What can be donated?
• Organs: heart, kidneys, pancreas, lungs, liver, and intestines
• Tissue: cornea, skin, bone marrow, heart valves, and connective tissue
• Bone marrow

If I sign a donor card, will it affect the quality of medical care I receive
at the hospital?

No! Every effort is made to save your life before donation is considered.

Will donation disfigure my body? Can there be an open casket funeral?
Donation does not disfigure the body and does not interfere with having a funeral, including open casket services.

If I sign a donor card or indicate my donation preferences on my driver’s license, will my wishes be carried out?
Even if you sign a donor card it is essential that your family know your wishes. Your family may be asked to sign a consent form in order for your donation to occur.
If you wish to learn how organ donation preferences are documented and honored where you live, contact your local organ procurement organization (OPO). The OPO can advise you of specific local procedures, such as joining donor registries, that are available to residents in your area.

Are there any costs to my family for donation?
The donor’s family does not pay for the cost of the organ donation. All costs related to donation of organs and tissues are paid by the recipient, usually through insurance, Medicare or Medicaid.

Can I sell my organs?
No! The National Organ Transplant Act makes it ILLEGAL to sell human organs and tissues. Violators are subject to fines and imprisonment. Among the reasons for this rule is the concern of Congress that buying and selling of organs might lead to inequitable access to donor organs with the wealthy having an unfair advantage.

How are organs distributed?
Patients are matched to organs based on a number of factors including blood and tissue typing, medical urgency, time on the waiting list, and geographical location.

How many people are currently waiting for each organ to become available so they can have a transplant?
The number of people requiring a life-saving transplant continues to rise faster than the number of available donors. Approximately 300 new transplant candidates are added to the waiting list each month. For the number of patients now on the waiting list and other data, please got to www.optn.org Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Web Site.

Can I be an organ and tissue donor and also donate my body to
medical science?

Total body donation is an option, but not if you choose to be an organ and tissue donor. If you wish to donate your entire body, you should directly contact the facility of your choice to make arrangements. Medical schools, research facilities and other agencies need to study bodies to gain greater understanding of disease mechanisms in humans. This research is vital to saving and improving lives.

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