We proudly provide the following services:

Organ Donation
Our community is in need of organ Donation! It is a critical issue and unfortunately will be for many years. Thousands of people wait for an organ, many people die from waiting. Every three hours someone in the country dies because of the shortage of donor organs. Every 18 minutes another person’s name is added to the list of thousands who await lifesaving organ transplants. The fortunate one's receiving an organ is blessed with another chance at life. Many organ recipients are given the opportunity to go on living a normal full life for many years without major complications. They have been given a chance to have quality added to their life that may not have been present before their transplant. Donating your organs is a precious gift to the recipients receiving them.

To ease any confusion take a moment and share your thoughts about organ donation with a family member. Let them know you want your organs donated. Then fill out the organ donor card. You are giving the gift of life. For more information on donating organs please contact us at info@justinwise.org.

Financial Aid

Many families are in need of financial aid. Sometimes you can’t plan for such an event. It can leave you with numerous unpaid medical bills, mortgage or rent left unpaid. It can leave a family member without employment due to the frequent hospital stays while your child is in the hospital waiting or just the many days and or times they are not feeling well. We have helped many families pre and post transplant with a cash contributions.

Many families need to talk to someone about their situation. The day to day stress can carry a tremendous toll on a parent, sibling and even the patient. The Justin Wise Foundation offers free counseling for those in need. We are working with Parents Helping Parents in Santa Clara County who focus’ on Children with Special needs.

Our future is in our kids. Our Scholarship Program is to help children in our community who may not reach their full potential because of financial constraints. Although Justin did receive a great gift and was gifted in many ways, he may not have realized his full potential because of financial constraints. We have an opportunity to help those with potential and few means. The Justin Wise Foundation offers scholarships to those kids in the Santa Clara County excepted to a 4 year college and that have made community service a part of their life. So far JWF has given over $15,000 in scholarships.

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